We think health insurance is great. But we also know it isn’t exactly the most exciting thing in the world. So we set out to make some videos about difficult health insurance topics that weren’t just informative but also fun to watch.
We made the videos for assisters, which are the people who help everyday consumers choose a health insurance plan. They needed education about how to explain some of these trickier topics, so we obliged, figuring they could use a few laughs, too. We wrote and produced a series of ten videos that used plain language to simply explain some of the tough situations people can run into when they’re trying to get, keep, and use health insurance.
The videos were designed to give information in a clear, simple, yet lighthearted way, bringing a little fun to health insurance. Some of our topics were:
The importance of preventive care
How to find a primary care provider
Calculating Modified Adjusted Gross Income (or MAGI!)
How to file a claims appeal
What is covered by your insurance plan
The different kinds of health care costs
The family glitch and the Medicaid gap
The videos have received recognition nationwide, and we are pleased to report the following awards and attention:
Three of the videos have been shown in up to 30,000 outpatient waiting rooms across the U.S. as part of AccentHealth’s patient education programming
2016 Institute for Healthcare Advancement Published Materials Award – Innovative Program
2016 ClearMark Award of Distinction for the entire video series
Fall 2015 Digital Health Award for the first five videos in the series
Cover Missouri Coalition