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Come walk with us!

We're celebrating 10 years with a walking challenge.

Did you hear that HLM is celebrating our 10th anniversary this year? And what better way to celebrate health literacy than to celebrate health! Enter: HLM Healthy Steps. It’s a celebration you can join wherever you are in the world, and all you have to do is walk!

At HLM, we’re big fans of wellness and mid-afternoon walks with the team. Stepping away from work for a quick walk break can increase productivity and jump start creativity! We all know the common walking goals such as losing weight and decreasing blood pressure. But, did you know that a 15-minute walk can help tame your sweet tooth, help get rid of bad breath, and increase your attention span? The benefits of walking are endless.

We’d love it if you’d be our friendly walking buddy on a 5-week journey this May. In our weekly newsletter, we’ll give you tips on how to stay hydrated in the heat and how to get those extra steps in, and we’ll motivate you with inspirational quotes about keeping active. Plus, we’ll help track your progress along the way.

The most wonderful thing about walking is that it’s simple. It may not always be easy to get the recommended 10,000 steps, but even if you walk just 1 step further than the day before…you’re 1 step healthier!

Let’s get 1 step healthier together. Won’t you join us?

HLM staff taking a casual stroll on a lovely spring day.
HLM staff taking a casual stroll on a lovely spring day.

What are the dates of the challenge?

May 1 to May 31, 2019

Who can join the challenge?

You! And us. And … everyone!

Where will the challenge take place?

Wherever you are and wherever you go.

How does the challenge work?

  • Each day, you track your steps on a tracking device, such as a FitBit, Apple Watch, smartphone, or pedometer.

  • Each week, we send you an online Google form for you to submit your steps, then we’ll update your total step count, and share the top 10 walkers in our weekly newsletter.

  • At the end of the month, we'll tally up all the steps, and if you're in the top 3, you win a prize.

How do I sign up?


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  • our twitter account
  • our vimeo page
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  • our pinterest page
  • our linkedin page

HLM powers a clinical trial communication strategy, messaging, and design program, C3T. To learn more, visit:

© 2025 Health Literacy Media

HLM is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, based in St. Louis, MO, but working around the world.

5501 Delmar Boulevard, Suite A210

St. Louis, MO  63112

+1 (314) 361-9400  |

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