Did you hear? Explore Transplant and Explore Living Donation education has been fully revised with evidence-based health literacy best practices, and it’s now ready for purchase!
These programs, available in English and Spanish, have helped tens of thousands of kidney patients and their loved ones make informed choices about treatment. We worked with Dr. Amy Waterman to revise her gold standard kidney transplant education programs with a health literacy lens to bring impactful, patient-centered video and print education to people living with kidney disease.

Our Explore Transplant education helps kidney patients answer many commonly asked questions, such as: “Why did my kidneys fail?” or “Should I stay on dialysis or get a transplant?” At the end of this program, patients use a guide to help them explore what next steps are right for them.
Our Explore Living Donation education helps patients and their loved ones learn more about the risks and benefits of living donation. This program also provides many strategies patients and their loved ones can use to help find living donors and support each other along the way.
In addition, we want to help you increase your transplant referrals. Contact us to learn more about how your transplant center can benefit by hosting an Explore Transplant Provider training.